
 Wall Hanging File Organizers
If you're like me, you could stand to be more organized, and anything that helps with this goal is a welcome addition to your home or workplace. Wall hanging file folders are perfect in this respect. Not only to they keep things organized, they also cut down on clutter and they keep items we need within easy reach at all times. And if you don't have any free wall space, don't forget these can be hung on the back of a door.
Hanging Wall File:

If you are a schoolteacher, you know how quickly your desk can become cluttered. A pocket chart lets you keep assignments and handouts organized. If you have several of these hanging files, each student can have his or her own assigned pocket.

At home, these files can be used for
- takeout menus,
- coupons,
- mail,
- receipts, etc.
Wall File Organizer:

Hang it in a common room like the entrance, so that everyone has quick access to anything they might need and otherwise forget.
Also great as a temporary filing system around tax time.

They are extremely easy to put up, too. You can use three nails, or if you don't plan on stuffing it with lots of stuff, three thumbtacks will do.
Hanging File Organizer:

Many people also use these at the office, as temporary storage. We don't always have the time to file something in its proper file cabinet folder. But we can easily stick them in a hanging organizer, keeping the clutter off the desk, and file permanently later.
Or it can be used for the files of the clients you are currently dealing with.
Hang up file folder: